Full name: Mustofa, S.Th.I

Gender (m/f): Male

Date and place of birth: Pati, November's 28th, 1981.

Nationality & Citizenship: Indonesian

Occupation: Researcher, the Field Surveyor, Analysis of Social and Environment Issues in Indonesia.


My Address: Ngabean Kulon Rt/Rw: 7/36. Jl. Puntodewo. No. 18. Sinduharjo–Ngaglik–Sleman–Yogyakarta, Indonesia. 55581.

Phone number (HP): 081 328 888 666

Marital Status: Single

E-mail: kangmus@yahoo.com

Office Web: http://kangmuscenter.tripod.com 

Blogspot: http://mustofafaqih.blogspot.com


The Final Education: a Bachelor of Islamic Theology (S.Th.I)

Undergraduate University: UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta,

Ushuluddin Faculty, Department of Tafsir-Hadis (social-religious)

Degree: S 1

Year: 2001-2005.

Specialization: Tafsir-Hadis (Exegesis and Tradition), Social and Culture Analyst, and Organization Social Management.


Title of Mini Thesis: "The Concept of Authenticity's Devine Revelation According to the Hassan Hanafi's Hermeneutics" (2005)


Professional Experience: Researcher, Surveyor and Analysis Social, Culture and Environment Issue in Indonesia, and also Social Advocating Management Assistant.





2003: Staff and executive's Member in the PT Karisma Indonesia Yogyakarta, 3 Months 

2004: The freelance distributor in the Gerigi Press, Yogyakarta,  2 Months

2004: The researcher assistant in the center of research of IAIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta campus relating in the cultural problems. The title of research is Jilbab Gaul Mahasiswi IAIN, 6 Months

2006: Staff and member of research in the general research held by Research institution of UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. The title Of research is Wawasan Keislaman di Prambanan subdistrict, 6 Months

2007: Staff and member of research in the general research held by  Research institution of UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. The title  Of research is Sikap Kritik Penceramah Hadis di Masjid UIN Sunan Kalijaga, 6 Months

2007: Staff and member of research in the general research held by Dirjend Dikti Diknas. The title of research is Gender Mainstreaming di PTN & PTS in Yogyakarta, 6 Months

2007: Staff and member of research in the general research held by The center of woman studies (PSW) of UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. The title of research is Kedudukan Perempuan dalam Majalah UMMI Periode Tahun 1998 – 2005, 6 Months

2008: The surveyor and RPJM data collector of BKKBN Province  Yogyakarta in the three of sub district of Yogyakarta, 3 Months

2008: A freelance researcher and surveyor related with social, Culture and religion problem in Indonesia. It has been existed and Continued until now

2009: A social and culture understanding development Assistant for the New Society at the village of Maguwoharjo, Depok Sleman Yogyakarta.

2009: A freelance researcher for social, culture and environment Problems related with the Islamic normative ideality understanding.





2008, as a research assistant in the BKKBN social program. The title of the research is: "Survei Indikator Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Nasional Tahun 2008", in the three of sub district of Yogyakarta, 3 Months


2007, as a research assistant, in the gender studies. The title of research is "Gender mainstreaming dalam Kurikulum Mata Kuliah Agama Islam di PTN & PTS di Yogyakarta" (Penelitian Dosen Muda, Dirjend Dikti Diknas, 2007, for six months period).


2007, as a member of the religion research. The title of research is "Sikap Kritis terhadap Hadis Para Penceramah di Masjid UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta". (LEMLIT UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, 2007, for six months period).


2007, as a field staff in the gender research. The title of research is "Kedudukan Perempuan dalam Konstruksi Media Massa; Studi atas Majalah UMMI Periode Tahun 1998-2005", PSW UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, 2007, for five months period).


2007, as a researcher in the social phenomena.  The title of research is "Dampak Tayangan Sinetron Hidayah di Trans TV terhadap Sikap Keberagamaan Masyarakat Kajen Margoyoso Pati." for three months period).


2006, as a member of the religion research.  The title of research is "Wawasan Keislaman Imam dan Khotib Jum’at di Kecamatan Prambanan; Studi tentang Penguasaan Ilmu al-Qur’an bagi Khatib dan Imam di Kecamatan Prambanan". (LEMLIT UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, 2006, for six months period). 


2006, as a research assistant, the title of research is "Proses Pelaksanaan Pendidikan Agama Islam pada Program Akselerasi Learning di SD Muhammadiyyah Sapen Yogyakarta", for three months period).


2005, as a researcher the mini research (S1). The title of research is "The Concept of Authenticity's Devine Revelation according to the Hassan Hanafi's Hermeneutics for five months period).


2004, as a research assistant in the social phenomena. The title of research is "Jilbab Gaul; Studi Fenomenologi Busana Muslimah Mahasiswi IAIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta". (PUSLIT IAIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, 2004, for six months period).








ü     An achievement Training (AMT: achievement motivation training). It was held by IKAMARU (ikatan mahasiswa alumni raudlotul ulum), Yogyakarta.

ü     A campus Politic Training.  It was held by organization intra’s campus (BEM- J).



ü      A journalistic Training. It was held by organization of intra's campus and extra campus.

ü      A training of Studying a Basic Computer Skill in the LPK Gama Wiyata, Yogyakarta.

ü     An achievement Motivation Training (AMT: Achievement Motivation Training). It was held by UKM SPBA (studi pengembangan bahasa asing) UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta.

ü      The Secretarial Training. It was held by UKM SPBA UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta.

ü      Advocating Training. It was held by campus's extra organization (BEM-J)



ü      Journalistic Training. It was held by organization intra Campus (BEM-J).

ü      The Philology Research Training. It was held by campus's intra organization.

ü      The Hermeneutics' Course, from F.D.E Shleirmacher's Case until Muhammad Arkoun's Case. It was held by BEM-J Ushuluddin Faculty.



ü      Research Training. It was held by Campus's Intra Organization.(BEM-J)






2000 – 2001 

ü      A chief of editorial in the writing of the excellent memory book, TC 72 MAM 2001.


2001 – 2002

ü      Staff in the Speaking Division of UKM SPBA. UIN Sunan Kalijaga.

ü      Staff in Media division in BEM-J's Ushuluddin Faculty. UIN Sunan Kalijaga

ü      Executive Member in PT Karisma Indonesia, Yogyakarta.

ü      Member of Kang Guru’s Magazine, Australia

ü      A chief of KANDITAMA (kajian diskusi tafsir keagamaan).


2002- 2003

ü      A chief of Translate Division in UKM SPBA  UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta

ü      Staff in DPB (dewan penggerak bahasa) in UKM SPBA.

ü      Staff of Society Development Program in IKAMARU (Ikatan Alumni Madrasah Raudlatul Ulum).

ü      Staff in KMPP (keluarga mahasiswa pelajar pati)

ü      Editorial Staff in al-Fath's Bulletin. Ushuluddin Faculty.

ü      Staff of the Law division in Advocacy's Forum.

ü      Staff in media & journalistic program in PMII (Islamic Indonesia's Student Movement). Ushuluddin Faculty - UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta.


2003 – 2004

ü      Staff of intellectual program in LKMP's NGO (lembaga kajian masyarakat pati) from 2003 – 2004.

ü      A Secretary in the FKMTHI (forum komunikasi mahasiswa tafsir- hadis se-Indonesia) on JAWA – BALI – MADURA region.

ü      A General's Chief in LPM Humaniush / Humanism (Lembaga Pers Mahasiswa) Ushuluddin Faculty - UIN Sunan Kalijaga. (in the first edition, 2003).


2004 – 2005

ü      A chief of all Programs in the KKN activities (Kuliah Kerja Nyata). It located in Gunung Kidul Region. Paliyan - Mulusan V – Yogyakarta, 52's level. 2004.


2005 – 2008

ü      An independent researcher, surveyor and research assistant for a bout social, culture and religion movement phenomena in Indonesia


2009 - Now

ü      A social and culture understanding advocating assistant for the new society at the village of Maguwoharjo, Depok Sleman Yogyakarta.

 ü    An independent researcher, surveyor and humanity

     development assistant related with social, culture

     and environment  problems




2003-2004: Kerja Freelance [distributor & motivator, dll]

2005-now: Upgread Web, Email, & Konsultan KANGMUS CENTER

2006: Financial Advisor di PT Millenium Penata Futures

2007-now: Pendampingan Masyarakat [Psikologi, Ekonomi, Budaya & Agama], serta Analis & Peneliti Problem Sosial, Politik, Budaya dan Agama di KANGMUS CENTER [http://kangmuscenter.tripod.com]

2009-now: Consultant Property di LJ HOOKER YOGYAKARTA TIMUR





